Your Genius Is Showing!


Genius & Fantastic ❤❤😆✌🙏🙏❤

yadadarcyyada“I’m a misunderstood genius.”
“What’s misunderstood?”
“Nobody thinks I’m a genius.”
~ Bill Watterson

Social media can make people feel inadequate, but true genius is believing in yourself, not worrying about what others think, what others do, or what others have.

Genius, defined many ways by many people. To me, something or someone is genius if they give of themselves. Everyone is talking about the #TrumpShutdown of the U.S. government to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S., instead, why not talk about why so many people are living paycheck to paycheck? Talk about people not having enough for food, chemo drugs, etc. when the rich are buying multi-million dollar houses and apartments., homes, cars, clothes – how can these mean more than lives? That’s the opposite of genius, even cruel. Celebrities, don’t peddle expensive drugs on TV and the internet, instead, pay for drugs…

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